Change keyboard and keep it


Ive installed MATE Desktop 1.20.1 on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

Then i entered the MATE desktop through the Remote Desktop Connection via Windows 10.

Then i change the keyboard layout to danish (DK) and i get the Danish keys, but when i exit the desktop and log in again, it have changed to US keyboard again.

So my question is, how do i make the Danish keyboard permanent so i dont have to change it each time i log into the desktop ?

Thanks in advance


Maybe try change the value with dconf:


Change the default value to: [‘dk’]

Please tell us if that tip works.


Hmm i cant find that path anywhere.

Sorry i am a bit new to Linux

@Gaio you have that install ‘dconf-editor’, on terminal:

sudo apt install dconf-editor

Then search the app on your menu and follow the path.

Hi @Gaio,

it may also help to know what your language settings are like?:


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You are the lucky one - you just need one keyboard layout more
Can you imagine how much can be frustrating to set at least 2 more and change priority when things go unexpectedly wrong?
My language using both latin and cyrilic letters and this issue was my first complaint in the row after the fresh install.

You have three solutions:

  1. Close the window and repeat the same process
  2. Restart the computer, UM18.04 behaves like the live being :wink:
  3. type in terminal:
    dconf reset -f /

I am about to completely remove the Microsoft partition and add more space to the Ubuntu,
but still I’ve must be sure for this little stinky bugs are gone.
After Microsoft’s implementation of “peek-a-boo” technology over the end customer I start to hate computers.
Ubuntu MATE returns to me a hope in the brighter IT future. :sunny:

Its a dedicated server, there is only Ubuntu and MATE on it, and have 6 TB HDD to it :slight_smile:

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That helped me to find the path pg_deb described, but it wont let me change det value in the default, only in costum, and that dosnt work.

So how do i change the default value ?

I allready have done that but Danish is greyed out, so i cant choose it

Here is 2 pictures, 1 from control panel and 1 from dconf edit so you can see what happens

I want to keep my menu’s and everything in english, but danish phone, adress, monetary and so on, but i want to be able to use my Danish keyboard and to be able to type æøå and @ with the keyboard i have.

I dont want to change the complete system language as i prefer to use it in english

It works now after a lot of work, trying out and rebooting the server,

Thanks a lot to everyone that helped :slight_smile:


However, as an administrator of the system, you have to be more careful
Implementation of a new and untested can lead to such occurrences
But, as we already know, even the latest commercial systems always have their small dysfunction after the first official realise.
Good luck! :sunny:

Then you need to make sure that all the ticks are in the right boxes, double check that Danish is fully installed!. :smiley:

18.04 LTS is not an untested OS and no everyone can get into these troubles :slight_smile:

After som work and with help from your guide i succeded, so thank you very much for your help.

Ive saved your guide so i can use it if it should happen again.

Thanks :slight_smile:

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Ok then, I will include even Danish keyboard layout beside my latin and cyrilic (crazy letters) ones
Живели! :smiley: