4 replies
February 2016

disqus Migration

Originally posted by Jacob Ritorto (jacobritorto) on 2016-02-26

Fantastic progress; thanks to all. Loving the ppc version long-stading-bug fixes!

February 2016

disqus Migration

Originally posted by poltiser (poltiser) on 2016-02-26

Is it possible to install fully operational desktop (net, files, colour calibration, printing, scanning, web, mail) without other software?
Other programs to be installed on demand?

February 2016


Great work guys, I really like the work going into the topmenu. it seems to be working a bit better than before. it would be nice to use more of the gtk3 indicators. one day hopefully :D

February 2016

disqus Migration

Originally posted by TicoSonny (ticosonny) on 2016-02-28

Software boutique is just amazing. I took it for a spin and loved it. I had a powerful machine and I could download 3 at a time. Once it got to 4 it would slow or lock but WOW.

The default 100+ programs are amazing and the best part all up to date!! KeePassX 2.0.2 is such a great program with no mono directories. I loved it.

I guess I will be using this version when it launched April 21st. Otherwise I'm hopeful that Ubuntu main has this software boutique. Just love it.