18.04 VPN icon not OK

Hello, using Ubuntu Mate 18.04 LTS, the icon of the vpn connected is the same as the ethernet. I use OpenVpn and it connects just fine. However, once connected, the icon of the network in the indicators area is not changing and keep the same as ethernet. I don't have the lock symbol indicating VPN is connected. The icons are in the indicators area, not the notification area.
The following icon themes are affected:

But, these icon themes are NOT affected :

With my old Ubuntu Mate 16.04, the icon of vpn connected had the lock symbol. Is there anyway to get the VPN indicator? I see it flashing during the connection process, just does not stay after being connected.

I check the forum, and there was the same issue here : https://ubuntu-mate.community/t/vpn-indication-icon/6318/7

Link of an old bug :

Screenshot of my issue:


i was just about to ask the same question.

This is a bug:

Yeah, it’s only an icon and shouldn’t bother you a lot, but still if it does, you can change your mind and go with Zunescene

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Forgive my ignorance (I am a newbie) but what is the solution for to get the padlock icon to show up when VPN is connected?

I was on 16.04 a few months ago and did not have this problem. This is not just a nit-pick because for example sometimes the PC will go into suspend mode and when you wake it back up and resume browsing you will have no idea that the VPN failed to reconnect (because the icon padlock isn not appearing).

So this is not nit-pick cosmetics, it is a BIG PROBLEM.

bump. Its still not fixed.

How do you even get to display the icon? I get no incon with Ambiance Dark theme and Cupertino panel

EDIT: I got the icon with the Dark Mate theme

Personally this is bothering me because every day I have to use vpn.
My solution (when using Ambiant-MATE) is by combining the “status” icon from ubuntu-mono-dark to Ambiant-MATE. (Don’t forget to backup first :D)
Hope this helps.

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