AMD A8 on BIOSTAR A68MDE, 16GB, AMD RX-570, SSD 480GB (sde5-ext3), HD Toshiba 2TB (sdd-ntfs)
While copying a file from SSD to HD, the process aborted. Now I have a file on the HD with a size of 0 that cannot be deleted.
The disc manager in the control panel reports no error on the HD after the repair.
However, the file is in the recycle bin and cannot be deleted/empty the waste paper.
What can I do?
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You could try to wipe it with bleachbit(as root) you will have to find remove the dot before the hidden files to do this, so the file is no longer hidden for bleachbit to find it. and then hide the files when done.
open caja as root show hidden files then:
file system>home>your account>local>share >trash> and have under caja preferences behavior>trash checked to include a delete command that bypasses trash. Then find the file in one of the folders and delete it.
Have you rebooted? Sometimes that just empties the trash.
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