Theoretically, 16.04.2 should be the same as 16.04 or 16.04.1 updated. I think everyone would agree on this. In fact, I installed the original in April 2016 but updates changed /etc/os-release to say 16.04.2.
So why would they behave differently with all the symptoms you see on hardware that worked fine on an earlier version?
1.) Something is wrong with the 16.04.2 image. I tried it specifically and see nothing unusual for a VM. Changing to compiz crashed the clock but this isn’t unusual. I did notice shutdown took a long time quite often and wonder if this means anything - I routinely change the timer to 15 seconds per this.
An update along the way had a different final result than a fresh image install. Something just isn’t the same. Developers have any ideas?
Symptoms seem somewhat global in nature. Kernel? Systemd? What would set these up differently?
A gremlin got in, somehow, in installation or hardware. A zillion unlikely possibilities but the probability isn’t zero. Try again?
What’d I miss?