when logged as user "arnauld" and when I do a right click on a file, a few items I installed, like "nautilus image tools" https://www.atareao.es/ubuntu-apps/ , and others, don't appear in the context menu.
And, if I do a right click on a file, from "file browser as root", new items appear in the context menu, see below the red arrows...
How can I get all the items in the context menu, as logged as user "arnauld" ?
Thanks for any help,
13 September 2016 13:53
How exactly did you install these applications?
The user arnauld is the only user on that machine?
As it is right now, your user arnauld isn’t being given access to them.
I installed "image tools" through the terminal :
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:atareao/nautilus-extensions
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nautilus-image-tools
I also installed, http://www.howtogeek.com/116807/how-to-easily-add-custom-right-click-options-to-ubuntus-file-manager/ :
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:nae-team/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nautilus-actions nautilus-actions-extra
but they don't show up in the right click menu when I am logged as "arnauld".
There are 2 users, "arnauld" and another one I created but never used "ad".
As it is right now, your user arnauld isn't being given access to them.
yes, that's my problem, I'd like to see them when I am logged as "arnauld".
As you can see in the following screencast, when I browse files as "root", they do appear in the right click menu when I right click on an image...
14 September 2016 12:22
When logged in as a different user, check if the extensions are enabled in Caja (Edit -> Preferences -> Extensions tab)
It could be possible they are not enabled on users that didn’t install them.
thanks lah7,
I don't see them in caja. Here is what I get in Caja when I am user "arnauld" who installed them :