Annoying Title Bar

I’ve just learnt that there’s something called GTK HeaderBar. This field seems to be able of displaying window buttons along with File, Edit, Tools and Help menus.

But then…? How do I apply that function to my system? Should it be added to the GTK theme or what?

@letter_weaver you have the top panel unhidden. You can tick ‘hide automatically’ with right click on any panel. I recommend you to do it.

@Svento the Gtk HeaderBar has to be implemented by the Developers of the app . If the app by default has Header Bar or a option to show it , you can use it . (Some examples are "Gnome Apps" , "Pitivi" and etc.) .

In Mate the Gtk dialogs have option to use the HeaderBar or Classic titlebar .
Here is the " File chooser dialog" with HeaderBar :

Here is withought the HeaderBar :

To change the GtkDialogs to use HeaderBar in MATE desktop chose do this command

gsettings set org.mate.interface gtk-dialogs-use-header true

I will try that as soon as I come home. Would it be possible changing the look of the buttons?

Regarding my other idea: how do I make the decorator show the menus? I talked with some guy in real life the other day, and he guessed it should be rather easy. Just add that information about drawing menus in the Metacity script instead of the GTK script.

I tried to run that command in the terminal, but nothing happened.

Ogh sorry . the correct command is

gsettings set org.mate.desktop.interface gtk-dialogs-use-header true

if not : open dconf-editor . Navigate to org/mate/desktop/interface .
enable gtk-dialogs-use-header .

Did not work. This time I'm told that it doesn't exist. Use-header was already set to 'true' byt he way in dconf-editor.

So then you have it . It is enabled and in use !

Okay… So what exactly do I have that hasn’t been in more or less every desktop environment in history? I’m interested in having window buttons in the same bar as the program menus. If not, I have no particular use for that whatever-function that’s apparently enabled. Title bar and menu bar look exactly like they always did.