Anyone have telegram app working in 15.04

Not long agoi the Telegram app stopped working for me in 15.04. I have waited through a few updates and still hasn’t started working again. I was wondering if anyone has it currently working and what you had to do to get it going?


Hi parzzix,

whats the name of the app?. :smiley:

Telegram, from It’s their messaging client.

Does it show in Synaptic?, if yes, download a new package and right click the exsisting package in Synaptic and mark for complete removal and then apply, make sure there are no hidden files in your home folder (Ctrl + h) and delete them before you install the new package.

Did you install the 32 or 64 Bit version?.

Don’t forget to backup any files you may have from the app before you delete its main folder in home!.

It’s not in the repos. I haven’t got it to work either :frowning:

Hmmm, I try this later. I always install it from a PPA.

@Wimpy what PPA do you use?

I use this one - ppa:atareao/telegram which has packages for Vivid.

FWIW, the client in that PPA won’t work on 14.04. It crashes with no helpful info.

Same as 15.04 for me

Both the following links say it (the Telegram PPA) works on U14.04/14.10?:

Check Github for any possible bugs (I haven't read through the long list!):

@Wimpy @electragician
Yes, segfault something or other

Deleted ~/.local/share/applications/telegram.desktop & telegramdesktop.desktop ??
Deleted ~/.TelegramDesktop

Edited /usr/share/applications/telegram.desktop

--- Exec=/opt/telegram/Telegram -- %u
+++ Exec=bash -c "unset QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE ; /opt/telegram/Telegram -- %u"

super-key T E L <click> Log-in Voila

Then either;

rm ~/.local/share/applications/telegramdesktop.desktop


cp /usr/share/applications/telegram.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/telegramdesktop.desktop

I don’t know which one is going to give me more fits at upgrade time,
FWIW I went with the rm option

I use this PPA and works nicely:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:noobslab/apps
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install telegram-desktop

Hello , i am new to the Ubuntu MATE Community.
I was having the very same issue whereby (with my username) Telegram fails to launch from MATE’s Application Menu via GUI, crashes silently then produces a crash report a few minutes later.
So after a few hours of fiddle diddle under the bonnet I managed to make it work as follows:
NB. Remove currently installed versions of Telegram and its files residuals, run whereis telegram command in Terminal to find out where all related files and folders are on your system .

  1. Install Telegram V 0.8.13
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:atareao/telegram -y
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install telegram

1st time you have to launch Telegram from Terminal as Super User and follow app instructions.

  1. Open Terminal CTRL+ALT+T
    sudo /opt/telegram/Telegram

  2. Close Telegram from Terminal by hitting CTRL c.

  3. Give your username:groupname full ownership to /home/user/.TelegramDesktop in Home Directory, CTRL+h to show hidden files / folders

  4. Launch Telegram Desktop from Application Menu via GUI.

Shame I can not upload images for better illustration.

Hope this helps


I am following your instructions, to get telegram installed, but I get

E: Unable to locate package telegram

This is on a Raspberry Pi running Ubuntu Mate 15.04

The PPA doesn’t include a build for the Raspberry Pi 2.

Try the web version instead

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