Anyone know of a tray RSS app that I can play an alert tone based on keywords?

So basically I’m trying to come up with a solution for weather alerts. The best RSS feed comes from NOAA. What I’d like to do is check the feed every 2 minutes and take action on new items based on keywords, for example “tornado warning” and “panama city” would play a sound file.

(Even better would be to run a shell script that I could perhaps figure out that would unmute the sound if muted and play a sound file…)

Anyone know of a good solution for this? :slight_smile:

Hi @ieh,

I don’t know any way to do what you ask but there is “My Weather” which you can set to display at any interval you like!, it’s a nice little app and I use it myself. :thumbsup:

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Thank you — I already use it. But, alas, it doesn’t do weather alerts.

I currently do get weather alerts; I’ve subscribed to around 6-7 different services that all send via email because sometimes email gets slowed; and in fact, although 2-3 of them tend to arrive within 1-5 minutes of the warning time, I’ve seen delays of an hour or more upon occasion.

Googling didn’t seem to return any apps that would alert for weather; but NOAA’s RSS feeds are pretty reliable. I actually wrote a little script that displays them for a website for a client.

If I don’t find what I need, then I can take the time to expand on that script to track when a new warning comes in and send it to a dedicated email account that’s checked every minute, and use an email client that will allow a custom alert sound to be played based on the keyword… but I was hoping to find something slightly more direct that would check the RSS feed itself. :slight_smile: And save myself a bit of coding time. And eliminate two steps of possible failure. :slight_smile:

Still, thank you for your reply and your willingness to always try to help. I truly do appreciate it, and you are an asset to this community.

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Thank you for your kind words @ieh, I’m all a-blush. :thumbsup:

What about this, it seems a bit more fancy?:

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While it’s a neat piece of software and allows exploring a Google Earth type of globe with US Radar, I couldn’t get local radars to work, only the national.

However, you can easily click on watches/warnings areas to get information. It’s nice and interactive.

Alas, it doesn’t do weather alerts, though. :slight_smile:

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Browse here, you might find something you can use?:

A while back I had started coding myself some kind of EWS using Python and a Python module called feedparser.

I’ve lost the files but you should check it out. I found the module easy to use and playing a sound in Python shouldn’t be too hard.



Maybe you can use canto or newsbeuter and pipe it to sort (for keywords) and then to some alert tool…