Boutique: Mysql & PostgreSQL?

There’s two tools already in the boutique: MySQL Workbench and pgAdmin III.
It’d be nice if the respective MySQL & PostgreSQL databases would also be available from the Server section of the Boutique.
Though I think it might be a bit of a challenge interface-wise for @lah7 since when installing from the command line, you’re taken to the dpkg-reconfigure interface for initial setup. (For mysql at least, not sure about PostgreSQL)

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It might be possible for the Apt Python backend to display a dialogue box. I think it does something like this for one or two apps like Steam (with a EULA)?

I’ll note it down for consideration.

This comes at an interesting time, since the Software Boutique in the 17.04 cycle has some pretty big changes planned, including a transition to a new backend for Apt.