Building Ubuntu MATE Welcome and Software Boutique locally as Snap or deb

Sometimes it is needed to build local version of Ubuntu MATE Welcome and Software Boutique.

There are two ways to do so - building Snap locally or building deb-package locally.


To proceed one needs any Ubuntu version installed with enabled CPU virtualization in BIOS/UEFI.

Then install needed development packages:

sudo apt-get install git snapd
sudo snap install snapcraft --classic
sudo snap install multipass

And get source code of Ubuntu MATE Welcome and build and install Snap package of it:

cd ~/Downloads
git clone
cd ubuntu-mate-welcome-legacy


sudo snap install ./ubuntu-mate-welcome_*.snap --dangerous --classic

Then launch Ubuntu MATE Welcome from terminal:

snap run ubuntu-mate-welcome

or from menu to do some testing.

Stuff to read - Create your first snap | Ubuntu

Note: this method is preferable to run on real hardware, it will work on VM if one knows how to enable nested virtualization for multipass.


Here we need to acquire sources and then compile the package by using below commands:

sudo apt-get install git dpkg-dev debhelper python3-dev python3-polib gettext

cd ~/Downloads
git clone
cd ubuntu-mate-welcome-legacy

dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us

Before the installation of locally compiled package it is recommended to remove already installed packages by

sudo snap remove ubuntu-mate-welcome software-boutique
sudo apt-get purge --autoremove ubuntu-mate-welcome

Then one can install locally compiled deb-package instead by

sudo apt-get install ~/Downloads/ubuntu-mate-welcome*.deb

and then launch it from GUI or from terminal.

Note: this deb-based method is compatible with x11docker, it does not need virtualization.