When I run uname -a
I see:
Linux rjbox 5.3.0-45-generic #37~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Mar 27 15:58:10 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
which would obviously seem to indicate that I am running Ubuntu-MATE version 18.04.1
I'd like to upgrade to 18.04.4 (or whatever the latest Ubuntu-MATE point-version
Can someone refresh my memory as to how to do that, and can I do it without losing any of my current environment/programs/configuration?
Also, when will a stable Ubuntu-MATE 20.04 be released and how long will it be supported? [UPDATE: https://ubuntu-mate.org/blog/ubuntu-mate-focal-fossa-release-notes/] If I'm not mistaken, MATE OS support is a year shorter than stock Ubuntu support. Why is that? Thanks.
I think lsb_release -a
will give you the correct LTS release.
I dont know how you got kernel 5.3.0, my system which is up-to-date shows 4.15.0-91
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Indeed, this command shows that I am in fact running 18.04.4, which is what I thought I installed:
--> lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS Release: 18.04 Codename: bionic
Thank you! About the kernel version, I don't know either, but I did get an upgrade of the kernel just a few days ago.
Hi @watchpocket. Kernel versions installed by default often reflect the point install level and I'd bet the 18.04.4 was responsible for the 5.3.0-xx kernel.
On the other hand, @pavlos_kairis likely installed from earlier media such as 18.04.1 and got the 4.15.0-xx kernel series.
The theory is, later installs may need the newer kernel for later hardware but no reason to jump kernels needlessly. Both 4.15 and 5.3 are fully supported and if you dig into the kernel meta packages involved the later one usually has "hwe" (Hardware Enablement) associated with its name.
One can update if you know the meta package names but I wouldn't recommend this because it's easy to screw up updating the kernel if you're not careful.
Comments from a real developer are welcome. I believe the support cycles can differ and it's not set in stone how kernels update on various point releases.