Hi everyone, I just made the 15.10 upgrade from 15.04 today and everything went smooth, since this was a new version of mate I wanted to give Compiz another try (I’ve been using Marco with compton to remove tearing) so I killed compton and changed my window manager from Marco to Compiz, everything glitched immediately, window borders and buttons disappeared but I though this would get fixed with a reboot so I did. Well, logging in, I could see the mate panel but it was opening infinite caja instances “Starting file manager…” and it just wouldn’t stop. I was able to open MATE Tweak with Gnome DO and switch back to Marco. Thinking I had solved my problem I rebooted, but now when I login and get to the desktop I can only see the wallpaper, no panel, can’t open applications nor terminals. I have reinstalled mate-*, didn’t fix it. I’m currently using the guest session which works just fine. Any help would be appreciated as I really really don’t want to reinstall.
Got it to work again. How? I don’t know, I was able to open MATE Tweak again through Gnome DO and just switched panel layouts and Window Managers until things started working… That weird infinite caja windows opening was still happening but somehow I was able to open compizconfig manager and I think what fixed it was that I activated MATE compatibility, computer started working fine so I switched to Marco and rebooted. Everything seems fine now.