Change icon size and autohide Mutiny's side panel (18.04)


I’ve recently upgraded to 18.04. In this new version I cannot change the size of the icons in the Mutiny side panel. I’m also unable to make it auto-hide. Were those features removed from this version? If not, how can I make those changes? Thanks in advance.


This happened to me too. Apparently all the space of the panel between the menu icon and the recycle bin is filled with the Mate Dock Applet, making it quite difficult to access the panel properties to change its behavior (icon size, auto-hide…).
Right below the Recycle Bin, you can right click on the panel and access its properties.

Hope it helps:)


Worked like a charm, thank you so much!

Thanks for this... wow, not very intuitive Ubuntu-Mate team. :neutral_face: