Change time interval until logged out

I use gnome-session-quit to log out.

Is there a way I can change the amount of time before I am logged out?

It is currently set for 1 minute.

I can’t understand your point of vision.

You are on Ubuntu MATE community. MATE itself has great lockscreen.

Why do you use GNOME things in MATE?

Moreover MATE lock-screen allows to change the timeout you mentioned. From my answer of AskUbuntu:

Small remark.
It is great that Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and 18.04 LTS with MATE DE allows user to customize this timeout with values from 0 to 300, for example 20 seconds with

gsettings set org.mate.session logout-timeout 20

(or from dconf-editor).


Just to make sure you understand what I seek, here is a screenshot.

I do not understand why you criticize how I log out. I did a search for a cli method to logout, and that was what I found.

If you know a better way, I am all ears.

   set org.mate.session logout-timeout 20 

did not change anything.

Start dconf

  • click to open org/mate/desktop/session/logout-timeout
  • set Use default value to OFF
  • enter the desired value in seconds in the Custom value field

  • click the so-called OK button in the botton-right corner of the window

Voila, done !


It’s not letting me set a custom value ?

It says custom value True/False.

I got it figured out.

I’m sorry for line-breaking. I edited my post.

The correct command is

gsettings set org.mate.session logout-timeout 20

Thanks Norbert. Nice to know 2 ways to accomplish task.

There are not really two different ways to change the time interval. If you set a custom value using dconf-editor it is executing the same command that you use in the terminal. So it is just a GUI instead of editing a configuration manually using the terminal.

Hope it is right :grinning:

Mickey :relaxed: