Custom shortcut for mate-screenshot -a not working

I have defined a custom shortcut for mate-screenshot -a -c to take a screenshot of an area when I hit Super+Mod4+S (matching Win10's screenshot function)

It does not seem to work reliably, if at all - I can hit the shortcut 10 times and the cursor might change once.

How would I go about debugging this? There's no hung mate-screenshot processes or anything that I can see.

Hi @voltagex,

I done exact the same configuration as you (except that my side mate-screenshot do not take -c param) and it's working.

The only thing, is that i have a other key combination than you for the windows screenshot (Shift + Win + S) :

Insure that you didn't left capslock or something :slight_smile:

If you are unable to make it work this way, create a script like this :

sudo nano /opt/screenshot

Write there :

mate-screenshot -a  

make it executable :

sudo chmod +x /opt/screenshot

and inside the shortcut call your script with the key combination you want :

If it's still not working, I can advise you to install a other screenshot tool (like flameshot) and try doing the same as with mate-screenshot. If you still have issue with flameshot, means something is disturbing this shortcut to work.