Delay auto start chrome, how?

Can I do this on control-center, autostart? or…?

Create a quick bash (shell) script, since I believe the Startup Application command field only accepts one, otherwise you could separate them with &&.

#!/bin/bash sleep 10 google-chrome-stable

Save the text to a file like

  • I think it's google-chrome-stable (or for Chromium, chromium-browser).
  • Change sleep 10 to the number of seconds, or 1m for one minute.

Make the script executable (Right click file → Properties → Permissions tab → "Allow executing file as program" and then add it to your start-up applications.

thanks, works perfectly.

I have some difficulty starting ibus-hangul.

I have tried:

sleep 10
google-chrome-stable && ibus-daemon -drx

doesn’t work, what is the proper wording to delay start 2 programs?


check in Control Centre > Personal > Startup Applications > Options and make sure there is no tick in the box!:

thanks, but on my PC, checking this does not seem to work to restart ibus

Use one & symbol instead.

  • & = Execute commands at the same time
  • && = Execute after the first one has finished.
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thanks, lah7, works well.