Dell isperion 15 right click issues

I just installed Ubuntu-MATE on my brother’s Dell Isperion 15. Everything works except for right-click on the desktop. I can right click in terminal and on apps. However I was showing how he can change the wall paper it would not right click. Has anyone ran into this issue before?


There is no function for right click upon the MATE desktop. If you wish to install another background then > Control Center > Appearance > Background ( it takes a moment for the images to populate ). Select an image :slight_smile:

On my Dell Precision M4800 I can do it.

You cannot r-click on the desktop and change a background, but r-click works everywhere else?

Yup just on my brother’s laptop. Mine works fine. I know it sounds odd…

Right click has never worked for me on MATE’S desktop but I also use Nitrogen to set my backgrounds upon multiple monitors (this may be the reason) Have you set the background on your Brother’s machine in any way other than through Control Center? Such as setting the background from an image in Caja?

Right click on desktop working fine on my Packard Bell mini notebook!, have you run a full system update?: