Do you guys also experience this

Hello everyone :raising_hand_man:

do you guys also experience this :point_down:

try to use "Cupertino" theme and then open LibreOffice. take a look your own way there and let me know about your experiences with.

Thank you :bowing_man:

Hi @Arvendios :slight_smile:

No issues my side :

I think you have the appmenu twice in your panel, even that is strange that we dont see the software name twice.

Do you have the same issue with other software ?

You can take a look inside dconf-editor here to see what suppose to be on your panel :

You have a bit the same config as me, so you should see :

['briskmenu', 'notification-area', 'indicatorappletcomplete', 'clock', 'object-0']


awesome :man_mechanic:, thank you for your assist @olek :handshake:

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