Docker or Vagrant on Ubuntu Mate 16.04 RPI3

Is it possibile to run Docker or Vagrant on Ubuntu Mate 16.04 for rpi3?

Hi @nicoali,

I have no idea about Raspi but this might help you?:

I don’t know if it is compatible with Ubuntu on a Raspi?. :confused:

Yes in the past i used it with raspbian.

Now i’ve installed docker from repository but i don’t know how to edit the dockerfile to run in docker for ubuntu mate rpi

hi @nicoali,

press Alt + F2 and then enter “gksudo caja” and then press “Ctrl + h” to show hidden files and look for the docker files/folder in “File System”. I cannot really help you further!. :smiley:

I don’t know if the commands shown above will work for you?. :confused: