Duplicate desktop configuration files for "Software & Updates"


After a fresh install of UM 17.04, I noticed Software & Updates shows up twice in Synapse, which I suspect is due to two desktop config files in /usr/share/applications. They have slightly different contents:

[Desktop Entry] Name=Software & Updates GenericName=Software & Updates Comment=Configure the sources for installable software and updates Keywords=Drivers;Repositories;Repository;PPA; Exec=software-properties-gtk Icon=software-properties Terminal=false X-MultipleArgs=false Type=Application OnlyShowIn=GNOME; Categories=GNOME;GTK;Settings;X-GNOME-SystemSettings; MimeType=text/x-apt-sources-list; X-KDE-SubstituteUID=true X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain=software-properties

[Desktop Entry] Name=Software & Updates GenericName=Software & Updates Comment=Configure the sources for installable software and updates Keywords=Drivers;Repositories;Repository;PPA; Exec=software-properties-gtk Icon=software-properties Terminal=false X-MultipleArgs=false Type=Application NotShowIn=GNOME; Categories=GNOME;GTK;Settings;X-GNOME-SystemSettings;X-GNOME-Settings-Panel;X-Unity-Settings-Panel; X-GNOME-Settings-Panel=software-properties X-Unity-Settings-Panel=software-properties MimeType=text/x-apt-sources-list; X-KDE-SubstituteUID=true X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain=software-properties
Would it be possible to merge them or just delete one? I can’t quite decipher it all. Thanks for your help!

edit: only differences I notice are *ShowIn= and Categories=

I also see it in a 17.04 VM. I’m taking a guess one is for Gnome and the other is for everything else but I’m sure they shouldn’t be together. Both launch fine in MATE, though.

*.desktop files are a pain. Caja (and Nautilus) displays the internal name and not their real filenames of:


I did a dpkg -S on each of these files and they BOTH come from the package software-properties-gtk maintained by Ubuntu it appears. Looks like they have a bug.

But then, having a VM I’m not worried about trashing, I could NOT get rid of the 2 synapse entries no matter what I did. Even deleting another similar copy in: /usr/share/app-install/desktop/ didn’t help.

Sorry so long, I thought I was learning something. Yeah… I learned don’t play with &^%$ .desktop files - they NEVER do what you think.:rage: :confused: :slight_smile:

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