Hello everyone I wanted to ask someone that may already know how do you build a community relationship using and answering question for this forum? I use a number of distributions including Ubuntu mate 14.04 in fact I have mate installed on three of my machine and Ubuntu 16.04 on one machine along with a few other distro’s
I’m also a member of Ubuntu’s forum and they have a ranking system that’s gives you beans when you answer questions support questions on their forum but here I’m not really sure because I don’t see anything like that here
I love to give as much help as I can to Ubuntu and its communities because I love what you guys do and this just a small token of my appreciation and a way I can say thank you for all the hard work you all do
I know there must be ways of be coming a mod here or Admin
I hope I posted this in the right section if not you may move it to the correct sub forum
Thanks so much for any help with this