I would like to play a little with MATE (applet) from a language I like.
In order to do so, I need to create bindings first. I wanted to obtain .gir files by installing gir1.2-mate-panel and gir1.2-matepanelapplet-4 but I only got .typelib files.
Is there a way of obtaining the .gir files or could you please guide me, how to properly run g-ir-scanner? I was searching mate-panel repo for a while, but I failed to find anything.
To ease the compilation process I would recommend to enable source code (deb-src) repositories from Software & Updates and then get build-dependencies for mate-panel and mate-applets packages:
sudo apt-get build-dep mate-panel mate-applets
Some development tools are also needed, install them with:
Then you can try to hack existing applets by getting its source code:
cd ~/Downloads
apt-get source mate-applets
and play with them. For example compile them as is apt-get source --build mate-applets or compile changed version by running dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us .