Getting , setting desktop icon positions in Mate

Hi all,

I’d like to query and set icon positions from shell script, maybe a from a C proggy.

It is Ubuntu Mate 16.04 v1.12.1

I can see the binary metadata file at :

, this is where my con positions stored.

The gvfsd and gvfsd-metadata daemons are running.
If I type :
$ gvfs-info -a “metadata::*” ~/Desktop/*
uri: file:///home/ubuntu/Desktop/Test.desktop

I get no attributes, although the Test.desktop is an existing icon.
If I try to set any attribute to a file with

~$ touch testfile
~$ gvfs-set-attribute -t string ./testfile “metadata::mynote” “my message”
Error setting attribute: Setting attribute metadata::mynote not supported

, its not workig. Whats the problem with gvfs tools in Mate desktop ?
The above things are working in Unity desktop, although that is a nautilus file manager not caja.
But caja based on nautilus, isn’t it ?
