Hi everyone. I’m new here and not a great deal of experience using a Linux OS.
My laptops HDD got killed when my dog knocked the computer off a table, naturally I never bothered to make any backups or recovery disks despite owning the machine for a few years now. So rather than buying a new version of Windows or letting the computer go to waste I threw in an old HDD I had laying around and went looking for a new OS. Since I’m on this forum you can probably guess that I ended up choosing Ubuntu Mate. Specifically the latest 15.04 64bit release. I’m going to start by filling out the hardware compatibility template as best as I can now and update later as my knowledge becomes more complete. Thanks to CGB and anyone else who worked on the template. Next I will begin my research through forums etc as I try to get the most out of this combination of hardware and OS. I will return to this topic to make updates as I progress. Hopefully this will prove useful not just to me but to others who attempt a similar transition. Any suggestions from more experienced users are welcome as are any questions, I will do my best to answer with my limited knowledge.
Hi and welcome Jorel. Please do ask for help whenever you need it.