I have been using googleearth for years, on older computers with much less speed and memory than this one, so I’m guessing that my problem here has to do with the difference between 32bit and 64bit.
I have followed recommended procedures for installing googleearth in 64 bit, and it works, but with one very annoying drawback.
The globe appears, and the locations that I have marked. But most of the map segments that should be shown in detail, are instead shown in a sort of pixelized way, and the plain detail does not show until I focus in to a small area (say viewing as if from 3.25 kilometers).
Can anyone suggest a reason or solution for this? I have 4gb of memory, and a good wifi connection to my modem connected to the internet.
Well, no. Thanks, Wolfman. i should have thought to try that. It didn’t quite work, but it got me to the right page. What actually worked was to check the High Color (16 bit) and uncheck Compress. Seems to be working just fine now.
I did want to include Google Earth in Ubuntu MATE Welcome but the package dependencies for it are way out of date. I suspect Google are going to sunset the desktop version soon…
I use an old .deb package of ver 6 because the latest version (7) doesn’t show previews of the photos when you click on them in the Linux version of GE!.
You may be right. I sincerely hope not, because I use it all the time. There is an open source mapping system, but I don’t think it is anywhere near as well developed as the googleearth. Nevertheless, I may have to go to it. Or maybe they will work harder on it if there isn’t a google earth out there.