Ah zenity... I haven't run zenity a loooong time.
You can use sudo and zenity to ask for password.
zenity --password | sudo -S "command"
-S read from stdin
In a script something like this:
if [[ "$EUID" = 0 ]]; then
echo "already root"
sudo -k # make sure to ask for password on next sudo
if zenity --password | sudo -S true; then
echo "correct password"
echo "wrong password"
exit 1
# Do your sudo stuff here. Password will not be asked again due to caching.
sudo sed -i "s|background=.*|background='$mybg'|g" "$configfile"
sudo glib-compile-schemas "$schemadir/."
sudo -k # make sure to ask for password on next sudo
Also have a look at this in the manual
man sudo
-E, --preserve-env
Indicates to the security policy that the user wishes to pre‐
serve their existing environment variables. The security
policy may return an error if the user does not have permis‐
sion to preserve the environment.