Has anyone installed Chrony on Mate 1.12.1

Hey everyone,
I am a newbie with Mate. This is my first question. Has anyone installed chrony on Mate before ? I get stuck with message like “Failed to fetch: Connection failed”
I can access internet and the ip address this install is reaching for is working.
Any ideas for me ?

Thanks for your help.

Try with this https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/chrony just download and install with Gdebi, let me know

Got it running, thanks. My Raspberry Pi was not working well that day.

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I found that ntpd on my laptop with Ubuntu MATE 16 was not working correctly after a suspend. This affects a time sensitive app.

So after searching I found chrony which appears to be more suited to laptops.

command to stop ntp service : systemctl stop ntp.service

Using sudo apt-get install chrony -y gives the messages that ubuntu-mate-sesktop and ubuntu-mate-core would be removed !!!

Same warning in App Grid (including ntp will be removed)
Warning in Package Installer "Error: conflicts with installed package ntp
They were indeed so I re installed them immediately.

After editing the /etc/chrony/chrony.conf to a regional ntp server the
systemctl restart chrony (no response)
chronyc sources reported that chronyc was not installed. but could be with apt-get install chrony

It appears that this not only removes ntpd but also MATE.
How can this bad behaviour be prevented?