This morning for some unknown reason my second HDD in Mate 16.04 is auto mounting and i cannot unmount it. If i right click i get only the eject tab. I also get this message if i click on eject…
Error ejecting /dev/sda: Command-line `eject “/dev/sda”’ exited with non-zero exit status 1: eject: unable to eject, last error: Inappropriate ioctl for device.
This only started happening this AM. I am at a loss to figure out why it IS happening.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
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Please execute this command lsblk -fl
use the </> Preformatted text icon on your poutput
in a terminal session accessed by using the menu Applications>System Tools>MATE Terminal
alternate method is using CtrlAltt simultaneously
Below is an example from my machine - your output will be different.
sda1 ntfs Win7boot 90428EFA428EE476
sda2 ntfs Win7 C4F097E4F097DB4E
sda3 ntfs HP_RECOVERY D08E7AC68E7AA49E
sdb1 ext4 14.04 LTS fbf29380-b1fc-4c8a-bc03-6365d5803394
sdb2 ext4 14_Home b063be96-47ba-4f20-b90d-f0a44ffd6abc
sdb3 swap 91da439c-443c-4f70-b042-ffeef1f8373f [SWAP]
sdb5 ext4 be6c1771-0afd-4f0a-92d3-7002e4ba1312 /
sdb6 ntfs I - Data BC64B31C64B2D7FA /media/int_data
sdh1 ntfs ExtData 1C738CA75C9095B8 /media/ext_data
This will display the file system type per drive and possibly give you a clue as to the cause.
john@john-desktop:~$ lsblk -fl
sda1 ntfs System Reserved 28F20651F2062422
sda2 ntfs 9458C8E558C8C6E8
sda3 ntfs C226763A26763011
sda4 ntfs 5D83948D7EDADD24
sdb1 swap f44efafd-f4ac-4c6c-9624-71aced57d05e
sdb5 ext4 64dbe742-6a73-4019-bee8-fb790d5deb22 /
sdc1 swap MXswap 5b413a88-1b00-4e75-9385-b2bdbe2af5e3
sdc2 ext4 4cd4fa0a-76a2-4c02-ab9a-770227503111
sdc3 ext4 rootMX-15 9e3ae5d1-e5ac-47cd-803e-8930b9e51851
sdc4 ext4 0ae61882-a57d-4ab7-aee5-afe2491e372d
I don’t think this situation is directly related to Ubuntu MATE.
It appears that sda is a Windows OS drive indicated by System Reserved.
According to my research this partition is created during a fresh install of Windows 7/8/10 and contains Windows boot manager code and files required for drive encryption.
Did you or someone using your system install or change any thing in Windows? Perhaps fast boot is enabled…
No sir… Nothing was changed from the initial install of Windows 10. The entire system had been working fine the last few weeks then it started the noted behavior. I will double check to be sure that fast boot is not enable in the bios.
Just checked and fast boot in BIOS is disabled and also the only hdd thing enabled other defaults is HDD SMART monitoring… That’s it
Looks like i might just have to do an in place repair install. I already backup up my personal stuff…I always do that as a precaution…
Perhaps using fstab might prevetn sda from mounting
example to easily hide a Windows OS NTFS partition: provided by @Dave_Barnes
UUID=**** /mnt/Windows ntfs noauto 0 0
replacing "****" with relevant NTFS partition UUID string
Have you tried using Disk Utility?
System Menu>Applications>Accessories>Disk
Yes i also tried the disk utility as well as disk repair cd that also did not work.
This is what i did to get back up and running:
i have windows and linix on separate hard drives. I thouight it might have something to do with windows so i disconnected power from Mate hdd and booted windows in repair mode and executed bootrec.exe /fix boot and /fix mbr. Both went properly and the system booted normally into windows . BUT i got the “missing operating system” when i tried to boot linux. I booted Mate from the live cd and attempted to repair the system . Even on the live cd i got the drives fro windows autoloading. So i went to BIOS after reboot and loaded the default settings and then the hdds still autoloaded and were not able to be unmounted. Iwiped all from the Mate hdd and reinstalled mate, shut down and restarted and it was fixed. Ijust put all my personal and apps back from a aptik backup and all is working fine now.
Ihave no idea what the cause was but i suspect it was a combo of a file corruption on Mate and BIOS issues.
My thanks to those who took their own time to attempt to help out. Much appreciated