Help me fix this graphical glitch

I am running Ubuntu Mate 16.04 LTS , I added the graphics-drivers PPA, then installed the latest open source driver, namely, version 381.09 …

Everything runs smooth except when Ubuntu is starting (when the desktop is being loaded) for like 1-3 seconds the desktop graphics have some glitches,and then after that they become proper… like there is an icon with x at the top left corner of the screen and then after 2 seconds it turns into Ubuntu’s logo … or like the black bar at the top of the MATE desktop screen is white with black text for 2 seconds and then it becomes proper(black bar,white text) …

anyway to fix this ?

[quote=“Xerxes, post:1, topic:12905”]I added the graphics-drivers PPA[/quote]Which exact PPA? There are multiple graphics stack oriented PPAs. OIBAF and Padoka being the primary ones that spring to mind.[quote=“Xerxes, post:1, topic:12905”]version 381.09[/quote]That is not an open source driver version. All I can think of is – – which, as you can see at the top of the page is proprietary, not open source.

Regardless, if you revert this PPA, does the behaviour resolve itself? If so, I’d suggest reporting it as a bug and moving on.

I entered this command:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa

then in Software&updates/Additional Drivers tab a bunch of nvidia drivers showed up, I chose the latest which was 381.09 and it has a “(open source)” at the end …

Before installing the driver, there was no such a glitch…

[quote=“Xerxes, post:3, topic:12905, full:true”]
I entered this command:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa

then in Software&updates/Additional Drivers tab a bunch of nvidia drivers showed up, I chose the latest which was 381.09 and it has a “(open source)” at the end …

Before installing the driver, there was no such a glitch…
[/quote]So, ultimately, as expected. Anyhow, if you suffer no other ill effect from using the PPA, I would repeat my original suggestion – to report it as a bug. And to simply ignore it from that point on. It sounds like a very minor bug at best. A minor delay somehow in loading.

Did you enable any of the compositors? In Control Center > MATE Tweak? Fiddling with those settings might jostle something loose.