Help needed with transmageddon

I have just installed transmageddon on 14.04. The installation went without a hitch. But, when I open transmageddon and choose a video file to convert, transmageddon immediately crashes. I initially did this on my laptop and thought it might be to do with it being underpowered. However, i have just installed it my main machine, which is both powerful and modern and am getting the same problem.

My reason for using transmageddon is twofold. firstly, i reccommended it another user on here as this is the program I have always used to convert video file. Secondly, my son has just sent my a computer animation form uni in avi format and I have told his I can cvonvertt it to h264 and he needs it for in the morning. so, a bit of an emergency really.

anybody any ideas? Am I missing some obscure dependancy?

scratch that. It’s a problem with his vid. It works on every other one i have tried.

sorry about wasting your time folks