Help New to Ubuntu!

New to Ubuntu, have old files saved in Window's Microsoft as Webp's or Mdi's how can I open them and save them using Ubuntu?

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See:, this might help and welcome to the forum.

Also there is a program for Webp's available thru the synaptic package manager call "webp."

Hi Learner, welcome to the community.

I still run Ubuntu-Mate 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa) , so the standard pictureviewer 'Eye of Mate' (a.k.a. EOM) of this older version is not yet prepared for WebP.
Therefore I use 'gthumb' as webp viewer.

It is not installed by default but it is easy enough to install:
open a terminal and type:
sudo apt install gthumb
fill in your password en some moments later it is installed.

I believe that if you installed the upcoming Ubuntu-Mate 22.04 , the 'Eye of Mate' viewer is new enough to view WebP pictures so you don't have to install 'gthumb'.

If you want to edit the picture (instead of just viewing, rotating and saving) in a photoshop-like way, your best move is to install the 'GNU Image Manipulation Program' (a.k.a. GIMP)


Thank you for your prompt response. I won't be ignoring your advise I feel I need to bring it to the attention of my tech adviser so I that I get hands on help. If you don't mind I will stay in touch.

| tkn
22 April |

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Hi Learner, welcome to the community.

I still run Ubuntu-Mate 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa) , so the standard pictureviewer 'Eye of Mate' (a.k.a. EOM) of this older version is not yet prepared for WebP.
Therefore I use 'gthumb' as webp viewer.

It is not installed by default but it is easy enough to install:
open a terminal and type:
sudo apt install gthumb
fill in your password en some moments later it is installed.

I believe that if you installed the upcoming Ubuntu-Mate 22.04 , the 'Eye of Mate' viewer is new enough to view WebP pictures so you don't have to install 'gthumb'.

If you want to edit the picture (instead of just viewing, rotating and saving) in a photoshop-like way, your best move is to install the 'GNU Image Manipulation Program' (a.k.a. GIMP)

I'm also wondering if webp turns more into a common format since several browsers have added support and also Windows Explorer/Apple seem to support it (wikipedia).
The problem is not getting those images opened, the question is if Caja can show the thumbnails and this is still not possible. When people start to get collections of images saved in webp format, they don't want to open each of them in a program but look at the thumbnails in Caja first.

According to:

Eye of Mate is supposed to support webp from 1.24 onwards
But now, even in version 1.26, it still doesn't work.
The same for the eom-thumbnailer and therefore caja

I've searched for caja webp thumbnailer plugins but haven't found any yet.

Hi a possible workaround would be to use Converseen image batch converter. Available in repository. Note if you try on left of screen you may have to scroll down to reach destination setting.

Confirm 22.04

Have thumnails off so can't confirm gthumb, have not installed.
Picture editing in Gimp does work.

There is a workaround (works for me):

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:helkaluin/webp-pixbuf-loader
sudo apt install webp-pixbuf-loader

This will provide all the standard MATE apps with the capability to handle webp.
Including viewing with eom and thumbnails for caja

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Thanks @tkn that works for me too :slight_smile: