How can I run Ubuntu MATE faster on the Raspberry Pi?

Need help cuz im a noob how do u make rpi go faster??

I would think something drastic would be required. Over clock it? Build a custom kernel?

I do not run ARM architecture so can’t provide any details. But I can say…

Welcome to the forums :slight_smile:

Make sure you’re using a fast sd card. Not all sd cards are created equal.

hi guys, USB 2.0 port the maximum speed is 60 Mb/ s, Sony, Samsung and Toshiba already have micro Sd cards exceeding that speed in reading and writing . Sony sells a microSd card with 90 Mb/s reading and 80 Mb/ s write,

Greetings …

Maybe it is not a matter of SD cards speed, however trying to perform write intensive operations to RAM rather than immediately writing back to the SD card.

If you haven't already done so, switch to Marco (no compositor) and disable animations through MATE Tweak.
Important question. Does the RPi come with it enabled? I don't have one yet.

One way of getting a faster user experience is to plug in a USB Ethernet adapter such as this one instead of using the Ethernet port on the Pi, which is only 10/100 Mbps, whereas Ethernet can go much faster, depending on the speed of your Internet connection. This makes your browsing experience much more satisfactory, as well as speedier downloads and updates.

I thought the problem with RPi’s overall I/O speed was that all Wireless
and Wired networking essentially came back through a USB “hub” anyway.
A kind of I/O bottleneck? I would be interested to hear more detail how
the adapter below actually provides a speed up as it still comes in via USB?

That’s right, @robwlakes, but the USB bus runs at 480 Mbps if I remember
correctly, and even if a external drive or SSD is attached there’s
usually a lot more than 100 Mbps to spare, so the Ethernet runs faster
as it’s not limited by the 100Mbps limit of the Pi Ethernet port. For my
Pi3, it really makes a difference accessing the Web.

Ah fair enough. I am still on ADLS2+ here, so even 10Mb/s seems fast.
I might have been confusing RPi interaction with multiple USB Hard drives??

This would appear to confirm your ideas:

Actually my router is in a different room and (coff coff) i am to lazy

Also i got a new gigabit router

I use one of my RPi3s as a www server (low power) back over the ADSL2+
modem, so most of its traffic is comparatively slooow (eg <1Mbps
upload), however for a very modest website it works well. The other is
a Kodi media centre and the extra bandwidth on that one would be nice.