I can see that Apache is loaded and Python 2.7 is in. But it dosn’t seem to find libapache-mod-wsgi, what do I do? I am trying to run a Django Web Server.
Hi @criptopus,
try downloading the package and install it with Gdebi from here, there is an updated version so other packages may be required!:
You can of course search https://pkgs.org/ for other packages!.
i am using python 2.7 so I guess I download the one without the -py3 on the end.
Oops amd was the wrong architecture, what am i looking for here?
I assume you are using Ubuntu Mate 16.04?, you should install the .deb package I pointed out to you, try it and see what happens, it might tell you that you need other packages, make a note of them and download them too by searching on the website link provided above!.
Or are you using Raspi?.
@criptopus The package is not libapache-mod-wsgi but libapache2-mod-wsgi, you forgot the 2 after libapache
Maybe the following link can help: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-serve-django-applications-with-apache-and-mod_wsgi-on-ubuntu-14-04
Found that libapache2-mod-wsgi seems to work.