How to identify a directory containing a slide show correctly

I’ve put a collection of slides /usr/share/backgrounds/abstract_ss
I have an xml file created based on /usr/share/backgrounds/cosmos/background-1.xml
All my slides can be added manually using “Change Desktop Background”
The directory has the same permissions as /usr/share/backgrounds/cosmos/
The xml file has the same permissions
I’m unable to have my directory identified as a slide show like cosoms is

Is the ‘slide show’ identification at some place unknown to me?
Am I missing a key ingredient?

the first few lines of my xml file

<!-- This animation will start at midnight. -->

Thanks in advance for any help!

Well well well …
It turns out to be relatively simple … when changing desktop backgrounds and choosing add the default file type is images. By changing the default images to all files one is able to choose the xml file created which identifies the directory as a slide show.

If folks are interested I’ll post in tips and tricks the steps and explanation.


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