How to Install Eleven Panel Layout to Ubuntu Mate 14.04.2 LTS

Hi Guys,

Just installed Ubuntu Mate 14.04.2 LTS on my laptop and I’m loving this distro. One, question though, how do I get the eleven panel layout installed on my system? Thanks.

If it is the same as 15.10… goto system --> preferences -->Look and Feel --> Mate Tweak --> then select interface on the left and on upper right choose your panel layout… Not 100% sure if exactly right though, since i’m on 15.10


Unfortunately, eleven theme is not included by default in mate tweak.

Yep, it’s not installed by default on UM 14. I’m afraid you’ll need to check with Martin if there is a way to retrospectively install it.

You could create the layout you describe manually by moving/deleting the relevant panels panels and instating the relevant menu etc. Then go to mate tweak and save the layout so that you can choose other layouts at a later time and not have to manually recreate the Eleven layout to bring it back.

If you need guidance on how to manually set up such a layout, let me know and I will post some detailed instructions on here.

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