I’ve just installed Ubuntu Mate LTS on the SDHC of my brand new Raspberry Pi 3. But I’m stuck…
I previously installed many RasPi 2 with RaspBian distro, and PuTTy was my best friend. I recently tested the latest RaspBian on the RasPi 3 : you first need a PuTTy-like tool to operate then Real VNC can be used to enable graphical display.
But I really don’t know how to proceed with Ubuntu Mate.
I can’t connect via PuTTy because I have no credentials.
I also need credentials for VNC session.
Real VNC connection is refused.
I have no HDMI device.
As I used Win32DiskManager to write an ISO file, I’ve not been asked for persistent write / install.
How could I proceed to make the first install ?
Thanx for help.