How to set apps in right panel on desktop?


I would like to set apps on desktop?

I’m looking for weather app, clock app and download/upload app, discs space app?

I am a beginner so how to install and set apps?


Perhaps this will be of help - More locations on Mate clock & weather applet?

I mean something like that.

Google search “conky”. Not sure how easy it is to configure, though. Good luck!

Setting up and configuring conky is a bit outside this forum’s purpose and can take lots of time to get just right. I suggest looking at a vast thread on that displays various conkys along with their codes -

sudo apt install conky-all should start you off. Then type conky in a terminal window to see the rather crude (but OK) conky that ships with most forms of ubuntu. Then press Ctrl-C to quit that command and vanish the conky.