I want to play some video on my monitor in full screen. Problem is I don't need it to be "full" of the screen, instead I only want to display the right half of the screen.
I know it's not a usual request and it can be done by modifying the video itself. But I do want to do it with the projection masking, I couldn't find a software to do that. Anyone has any experience on this? Thank you!
Use 'mpv' to play the video.
zoom in with [Alt][+] ([Alt][-] zooms out)
shift the video to the left by using [Alt] plus the right arrowkey
If you only want to cover part your screen, let 'mpv' play in a window and place/resize the window where you want the picture.
If you want to have it completely preset on a certain zoomlevel and horizontal shift, you can write the corresponding commands in ~/.config/mpv/mpv.conf or directly on the commandline.
Window size and placement can be done from the commandline and is also scriptable.
Hi tkn. I'm wondering if I want to do a proper projection masking on the display, is there a software that you would recommend?
At the moment I only need to hide half of the screen, but it might be more complex in the future, for example: play the video in a star shape, or maybe merge multi screens together. I'm using a software (Pogumax) on Windows10 at the moment and it works fine: https://pogumax.com/
The software actually changes the output of general displays but unfortunately it doesn't support Linux at the moment. Thank you.