How to set up digital masking on display?

Hi everyone.

I want to play some video on my monitor in full screen. Problem is I don't need it to be "full" of the screen, instead I only want to display the right half of the screen.

I know it's not a usual request and it can be done by modifying the video itself. But I do want to do it with the projection masking, I couldn't find a software to do that. Anyone has any experience on this? Thank you!

Hi Penn,

Yes, it can be done:

Use 'mpv' to play the video.
zoom in with [Alt][+] ([Alt][-] zooms out)
shift the video to the left by using [Alt] plus the right arrowkey

If you only want to cover part your screen, let 'mpv' play in a window and place/resize the window where you want the picture.

If you want to have it completely preset on a certain zoomlevel and horizontal shift, you can write the corresponding commands in ~/.config/mpv/mpv.conf or directly on the commandline.

Window size and placement can be done from the commandline and is also scriptable.

man mpv will give you the complete manual of mpv

Like this ?:

mpv --fs --video-margin-ratio-left=0.5  --video-zoom=1 --video-pan-x=-0.25  yourfile.mkv

( replace 'yourfile.mkv' with a videofile of your own choice.)

Man you are a lengend! Thanks a lot!

Hi tkn. I'm wondering if I want to do a proper projection masking on the display, is there a software that you would recommend?

At the moment I only need to hide half of the screen, but it might be more complex in the future, for example: play the video in a star shape, or maybe merge multi screens together. I'm using a software (Pogumax) on Windows10 at the moment and it works fine:

The software actually changes the output of general displays but unfortunately it doesn't support Linux at the moment. Thank you.

What you are looking for is a VJ mixer, like this one:

or this one:

or this one:

More VJ software:

And, eventually, you could try to get pogumax running on WINE