How to start CAJA with extra pane (F3)?

Caja does not have feature unfortunately. I had a quick look in dconf-editor too, but there's nothing for extra pane.

Seems there is already a feature request created for it:

In the meantime, you can add an extra set of commands in place so Caja will launch and press F3 for you. This creates a script in place of where Caja is normally launched, so it works anywhere (like the Places menu).

Note that this only works:

  • until Caja is updated/reinstalled.
  • if the Caja window opens within half a second.

First move the original aside - we will create a script in its place:

sudo mv /usr/bin/caja /usr/bin/caja2
sudo nano /usr/bin/caja

Paste this:

/usr/bin/caja2 $*
sleep 0.5
xdotool key --clearmodifiers F3

Save and make this script executable:

sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/caja

(Based on this)

You'll need to install xdotool:

sudo apt install xdotool

Normally a script like this should go in /usr/local/bin/ but it wasn't used when opening Caja via the MATE desktop.