How to test MATE LockKeys on Ubuntu MATE 14.04 and 14.10

MATE LockKeys Applet will be fully integrated in Ubuntu MATE 15.04 and is a panel applet to show lock key (CapsLock, NumLock, ScrollLock) status.

To that end I have been working on packaging MATE LockKeys and I'd like to get some testing feedback. I've back ported my changes to 14.04 and 14.10 and built everything you need into a PPA.

If you are feeling brave, let the destruction begin :anguished:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-mate-dev/crazy-mate
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
sudo apt-get install mate-applet-lockkeys

You can add the LockKeys applet to a panel by right clicking it, selecting Add to Panel... and choosing LED Keyboard Indicator.

debian Package

You can find the source to my debian package here:

Known issues

  • None.
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Ooh… I wouldn’t need this myself because I’m fortunate enough to have a laptop with little lights in the locking keys, but I would have loved this on my old machine. Awesome addition for an awesome distro for sure!

My wifes computer doesn’t have lock key LEDs, so you know :hushed:

Neither does my Chromebook – it doesn’t even have a caps lock key!

This is really nice. It works great on my Ultra Pro. I will use the number lock function the most, because otherwise I have no indicator for that.

And where can I get MATE LockKeys on Ubuntu MATE 16.04? It’s not in that PPA and this laptop has no own leds on whatever is enabled and it would be nice to know.

I’m working on something for 16.04 in MATE Tweak to handle this. Soon…

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MATE Tweak has been updated in 16.04 and now includes a tickbox to Enable Keyboard LED in the Interface section.

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