How's snap going for you?

Snaps are a bit of a pain for me.

In the one hand I like access to new stuff.

But the main issue I have with snap is the Firefox snap not allowing me to open html files from my home directory, or saving downloads to specific locations.

The issue with speed seems to be resolved.

Updates are also a mess. For something like Firefox which is open a lot of the time, I'm surprised it can't update in the background and it is completely non-intuitive to figure out how to do it.

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I don't understand the purpose of snap, I think it's poorly designed, I don't understand it anyways, it seems quite complex from the background. I think I should get more info about it, I have the feeling it's bloated, overloaded with duplicated libs. Mount command becomes useless. It's not elegant. But that's all I know.


They work fine on my Zorin OS and Kubuntu installations. For some people it is political to not use them - but you do you. For me, I don't mind using them when something is not available on the regular Debian/Ubuntu repository. There is a lot of drama about there being so many applications being Snaps on Ubuntu - I think last count I did on Kubuntu 23.04 it was only 10 or so applications that were Snaps from about a total of more than 2,000 installed. Again, if you don't want them there are ways to remove them or use a different distribution entirely. :v:


Snaps seem to work just fine for me. I actually like them. Combo snaps, flatpak and distrobox with arch and the aur is pretty awesome. I can't complain.


my experience is not very consistent: it really depends on the snap. There are snaps that work without problems, others that have quality issues and sometimes behave differently from native packages and flatpak versions. I still find myself preferring flatpaks when I can choose: they usually work better and are overall more reliable. But I'm not against snaps per se. I believe in choice and in competition, so I do enable any available package format and try them all. So far I have 42 (flatpak) and 21 (snap) on top of ubuntu-mate 22.04 LTS.

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I get it. I like Canonical but I suspect Snaps have more wrinkles to iron out than expected. I have moved on to Linux Mint Debian Edition. I still use Zorin too but my preferred distributions are LMDE and MX Linux KDE. I try to use Debian only packages. I have maybe 1-2 Flatpaks. Everything works and I have no problems. Eventually Canonical/Ubuntu will get Snaps to a better place I am sure but for now, I try to avoid them if possible.

Sorry missed your last post in August, but yes it is the only menu I use. The only one I will use. Not being there would be a deal breaker for me.

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