Hi, I’ve been trying to setup the touchpad on my HP EliteBook but it has not been an easy task.
If I open the Mouse settings, there is no Touchpad tab there.
Trying to set it from the terminal is like I’d do nothing.
I am on Ubuntu Mate 16.10.
For example I hate tap-to-click. Especially that feature that, if you double-tap fast, it emulates a “keep it clicked” state and I just start selecting stuff or just can’t control it very well. I also would like to disable the touchpad while I’m writing, and I’d like to reverse the scroll direction with the two-fingers touch.
Thing is… I have noticed that all these behaviours disappear after a sleep -> wake up transition.
It’s like if it loads some different drivers or settings.
How can I debug this problem and find a way to make the laptop boot up with the “after woken up” settings?
Do you have synaptics touchpad drivers installed ? Becouse Mate doesn’t have libinput support in 1.16 release and previous , and that may be the reason for odd behaviour and missing touchpad configuration options .
I have upgraded the system to version 17.04 and now I don’t have the possibility to get my “favourite” behaviours after a sleep/wakeup session. It stays the same as before the sleep, so I can hate it 24/7