I have seen lots of debate, Windows vs. Linux and Linux vs. Windows. I do not understand it, why to get so emotional about it? They are JUST operating systems of computers. Computers are just tools of human being, not the life (at least shouldnt be the life)…
Could somebody explain this please? Why some people get so emotional about it?
I have been blamed about that, that I like my Linux looking like Windows, and I have seen some people attack these who make Windows-kind of themes for different desktops and who use them.
I myself like how Windows looks like, the layout and everything. I do not like what Windows represents, but it looks smooth and works smooth. It has its positive sides as well as Linux.
I NEED Windows. First of all, Im an engineer student and I need Windows in my studies, because Microsoft is very much promoted here. Second, I will work with Windows mostly. Third, there are many programs that work only on Windows well.
Some Windows programs work through wine, but mostly not well. Also some Linux ports exist, but they do not work as well and are not as supported as Windows versions, unfortunately.
I am a dual booter and thats how I see it good for me atm.
I would wish that Linux would work as well and as smoothly as Windows, and would be as supported with drivers and games and everything, then I would move to use Linux totally, I wouldnt bother using Windows anymore, just on virtual machine that I wouldnt get rusty.
Im a Windows professional, I know it like “my own pockets” and Im glad about it. I wish I would know Linux as well. And I really wish that some things with Linux distros developments would change, and that hw support would be better. I get soon grey hair with my two wifi dongles that dont work here. I got once one old driver to work by changing some things in code, but Im not a coding pro so I cant get it to work again. I had to reinstall some times because I tried some pretty late update from GitHub, and it caused a kernel panic.
This is what sucks with Linux. Some things ARE worse than in Windows, but thats ok. I still love Linux. Some things are much better in Linux than in Windows.
But back to the topic:
I dont understand it in addition to the debate and being emotional, that some people are REALLY trying to get rid of anything that reminds them of Windows. For example, many things in many Linux desktops remind us of Windows. For example start menu kind of thing, menu panel, program list/app dock, clock at right side of the panel, indicators mostly at right side, menu at left side etc…
But then theres Unity. It looks more like Apple things for me than Microsoft… its heavy, and its annoying to use in my opinion… and its ugly. Ok, some people can like it. But why to use it just because its far from Windows? And what about Mutiny menu or whatever it is?
Ok, people have different taste. I can agree with that. But I do not understand, really, whats the reason for being emotional and being against everything that looks like Windows or reminds of it?
Sorry for this book, I wish that someone could read this until the end ^^