I don't understand people who are angry to others who like Windows

I have seen lots of debate, Windows vs. Linux and Linux vs. Windows. I do not understand it, why to get so emotional about it? They are JUST operating systems of computers. Computers are just tools of human being, not the life (at least shouldnt be the life)…

Could somebody explain this please? Why some people get so emotional about it?

I have been blamed about that, that I like my Linux looking like Windows, and I have seen some people attack these who make Windows-kind of themes for different desktops and who use them.

I myself like how Windows looks like, the layout and everything. I do not like what Windows represents, but it looks smooth and works smooth. It has its positive sides as well as Linux.

I NEED Windows. First of all, Im an engineer student and I need Windows in my studies, because Microsoft is very much promoted here. Second, I will work with Windows mostly. Third, there are many programs that work only on Windows well.

Some Windows programs work through wine, but mostly not well. Also some Linux ports exist, but they do not work as well and are not as supported as Windows versions, unfortunately.

I am a dual booter and thats how I see it good for me atm.

I would wish that Linux would work as well and as smoothly as Windows, and would be as supported with drivers and games and everything, then I would move to use Linux totally, I wouldnt bother using Windows anymore, just on virtual machine that I wouldnt get rusty.

Im a Windows professional, I know it like “my own pockets” and Im glad about it. I wish I would know Linux as well. And I really wish that some things with Linux distros developments would change, and that hw support would be better. I get soon grey hair with my two wifi dongles that dont work here. I got once one old driver to work by changing some things in code, but Im not a coding pro so I cant get it to work again. I had to reinstall some times because I tried some pretty late update from GitHub, and it caused a kernel panic.

This is what sucks with Linux. Some things ARE worse than in Windows, but thats ok. I still love Linux. Some things are much better in Linux than in Windows.

But back to the topic:

I dont understand it in addition to the debate and being emotional, that some people are REALLY trying to get rid of anything that reminds them of Windows. For example, many things in many Linux desktops remind us of Windows. For example start menu kind of thing, menu panel, program list/app dock, clock at right side of the panel, indicators mostly at right side, menu at left side etc…

But then theres Unity. It looks more like Apple things for me than Microsoft… its heavy, and its annoying to use in my opinion… and its ugly. Ok, some people can like it. But why to use it just because its far from Windows? And what about Mutiny menu or whatever it is? :smiley:

Ok, people have different taste. I can agree with that. But I do not understand, really, whats the reason for being emotional and being against everything that looks like Windows or reminds of it?

Sorry for this book, I wish that someone could read this until the end ^^


I’m not angry about other people choosing what OS it is they prefer. That is their choice. As indicated in my first post, I am sick to death of Windoze. Leaving aside any politics, it annoys me no end how they try to control everything. How many hundreds of thousands of complaints must there have been of them foisting Windows 10 upon people? It was only through the ingenuity of freelance software creators that one of them designed a programme to cripple the unwanted Windows 10 update. Lots of folk in the Tech world were not happy about this underhanded trick. They also caused ‘damage’ to a lot of people’s p.c.'s. ‘Hey, why does my printer no longer work?’

For me personally, I had had enough of their silent updates or reconfigurations working in the background and then as you are about to go to bed you get an instruction telling you not to switch it off as it is updating. Like for how long? One hour? Ten hours?

I don’t want a p.c. with whistles and fancy ribbons. I use mine for basic work.

There is of course the other argument which applies equally to Apple. You buy, for example, a 160gb iPod classic only to find out that iTunes is updated so it no longer syncs. Windows the same with legacy programmes. Planned obsolescence used to be quite common, nowadays they do it the underhand way by having new OS software that will not work with old programmes. In other words: spend more money.

It’s these and more that made me switch to Linux even at my ripe old age. Enough is enough!

I enjoyed reading your post. I am certain I will find a few problems with Linux but at least I know the developers and the wider community have a different goal for people to use their system as opposed to monolithic corporations.

Yours, a convert to the light side.


p.s. I am running Mate on a 1tb drive with nothing else but Mate.



I agree that its annoying MS wants to control everything.

Thats why I have “hacked” my Windows 10 as well as I can, to control it myself: I took off automatic updates + scheduled restarts etc. to update manually (its good to keep up-to-date)… I have deferred feature updates, I have changed the login screen texts and everything possible…

I like to have a domain, that I can control mine and my wifes pc’s through one server… group policy is pretty cool tool in Windows, especially in domain but also in single pc’s.

Also I have made my Windows look pretty much older, I dont like the “metro”…

Its interesting, when I used Windows 7, I didnt take Windows 10 upgrade and it was not pushed, it just showed the indicator which recommended to upgrade. I have heard that it was pushed on some people…

In Windows 10 is annoying that these feature updates are resetting many things and uninstalling certain programs that MS thinks that are not compatible… that sucks, as well as these spying things etc. Through group policy and registry you can do pretty much in hacking Windows so, that MS cant spy you SO much.

I have Windows 95 style start menu, because I like it simple, only the button is from 10 because I like that ^^

You said many true things about Windows and MS. Unfortunately MS rules the pc software business and unfortunately it can put so much of money and coding hours into it, that it actually works smoothly and without all the time error messages, and that it has working drivers… and it has some good concepts.

I wish there would be possibility to have a Linux domain, where would be something similar than Group Policy, Active Directory etc…

I got freely my Windows os’s. As academic student you get access to MS software freely, most of them, and you can freely download and use them. Licenses are not ending when you graduate.

I have clean install Windows 10 Education, which is same than Enterprise but lacks some certain kind of update support that only enterprise edition has, my wife has Windows 10 Pro which was upgraded from Windows 8.1 pro (Im planning to install her also Windows 10 Education, to make it clean install)

And I have Windows Server 2012 Datacenter Edition, which costs like $5000 if you buy it…

Well, Im glad to have access to these and many other things freely…

But, I like certain things in Linux MUCH more than in Windows, for example things that you mentioned, Methusela.

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JonnyRevival, You’ve come to the wrong place if you expect people here to have a go at anyone who wants their Linux desktop to look like MS Windows. As far as I am aware, no-one cares. I don’t personally like MS Windows because it is a privacy nightmare and it smothers users in a suffocating embrace where it becomes very difficult to modify or customize the MS Windows system in any meaningful way. However, if that’s what floats some people’s boats, then good luck to them.


I just wanted to ignite some discussion, stevecook. I wanted to know peoples opinions about the debate, what I have seen, and to share my opinion. In my opinion, its just weird if some people get emotional about other peoples personal likes, and how they see red if someone likes something about Windows. Nothing else :slight_smile:

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I’m in complete agreement with what Steve said so well above. I’ve been a Windows user for the entirety of my computing life and unfortunately I still have to use it today but now it’s strictly for gaming. Absolutely everything else I do is done on UM and my hope is that one day gaming on Linux will be strong enough that I can wipe my Windows drive completely. In all honesty, the Linux vs Windows debate has been beaten to death, resurrected, and beaten again. There’s really no definitive answer to be given but when you have factions of people that are very passionate about their particular choice, it’s most certainly going to result in heated discussions.


I think most people can’t respect other options about what OS they like and use. I have been using Windows for years only to move to Linux as a full time user, do I hate people that use Windows no, that’s their choice and I respect it

In fact I think MS made a good choice with Windows 10, it’s a great OS and runs well at least for me it did, but I still love Linux better. I run about 10 machines and they all have some form of Linux on it

What I don’t understand is why the heck would people want your Linux desktop to look like Windows that’s what make Linux so different. Linux is not Windows and should not look like it at least I don’t want it to

The way I see it if you have any intention on moving to Linux you’re going to have to cut the ties and get use to the way Linux works and looks that simple

I don’t agree with MS because of how controlling they are and you have to pay for everything which I feel is wrong we are Loyal Windows user and what do we get for it nothing, at least with Linux I feel the freedom of open source and the communities around them are out standing including this one. You never get this kind of support in a Windows forum

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Some people like to get angry. About anything. You find this personality type in all walks of life. Some people prefer reasoned discussion.

I support FOSS. I don’t want my software to be gratis - I want - I need (in the long term) for it to be free (i.e. libre). If some of it is gratis that’s nice. If I can make a financial contribution to those developing the software I use I try to when I’m able.

Vendor-lock-in is probably the aspect that most people find unsettling with proprietary software for everyday use by private individuals. The problem is real, and even extends noticeably into some areas of professional life.

So do your thinking, make your choice and then perhaps stop trying to understand other peoples motives for their behaviour patters - that’s a task that you’ll never reach the end off.

I hope your computers will serve you well. :slight_smile: :penguin:


When I was a boy, my dad instantly put me on linux without me testing WINDOWS!:frowning: I only used windows when I wanted to play a game or something. He used to use ubuntu 12.04 (approximate) a long time ago and now he uses ubuntu 16.04!! :neutral_face:He doesn’t use windows that often! He uses it to play Black Shark on Windows 7 XP!

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Hi all,

I too use Windows for work among other things, I prefer Linux for security/privacy reasons over Windows, were it not for the fact that (as stated above) some software isn’t available/won’t work on Linux, I wouldn’t use Windows at all!. :smiley:

I tried the following out (had a problem with Chinese though!) and it really can make your PC look like Windows (I think @Wimpy is involved?):


Nice to know about such a desktop!

For me the UM is the best, and with themes you can make it to look like Windows very much :slight_smile: Mines a mix of Win10 and Win2000 kind of things, like my Windows 10 looks like a mix of Win95 and Win10 ^^

Only thing in UM what I would change, are some things about the menu, like making it possible to duplicate it so, that also the settings are separate. And of course, making it possible to change the scaling of the Mate Main Menu icon, as the MMM menu from inside is the most suitable for me.

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I only use windows for my lappy’s firmware updates, and games that either a: don’t work in wine or b: I’m too lazy to make a vm or use wine.

Its a bit like your best friends girlfriend is cheating behind his back, but he still continues to date her even after telling him about it.

I think thats where the anger comes from, everybody is aware of what Microshaft is doing but do nothing about it!!

Best analogy I could think of :grin:


Stay with Linux and the anger will fade, to be replaced by relief, and then indifference. You’ll hear the screams of pain from the Slaves of Microshaft but as the years pass understand them less and less.

I’m not entirely clear on the nuts and bolts of the Microsoft 10 Upgrade issue. Suppose I could read about it and find out, but it doesn’t matter any more.

I no longer give a damn.


Yeah but it will sometimes come back with a vengeance. xD

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This is exactly how I feel

Yes same as stevecook, Im guilty to even went to gnomelook.com and got angry at MS themes there yes Im the guy the OP is going about.

Basically windows is garbage compared to Linux or Mac

I’m not angry at anyone who likes Windows, or MacOS or any other OS.
What I hate, and get angry about is people who choose not to choose ie. Use whatever is put in front of them, is fashionable, pretty or common without taking the time, effort or concern to understand the potential issues of handing over all their private details and data to any given OS potentially not under their control but controlled by those who may have other interests and priorities.
If you choose Windows, then it is your freedom to make that choice (and good luck to you)

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I believe in peaceful co-existence. I dual boot (Windows is only to port programs to). I don’t use it because of it’s inefficiency and bloat. An OS does not need to take GB’s of space.

I once had a laptop with a 32GB eMMC, after each update, about 3GB’s was cut (even after cleaning). It got down to 4GB and I decided it wasn’t usable anymore. That was after only 8 months.

Plus I like customising my desktops and tinkering with the kernel and contributing to code.

Each person thinks differently. We all like comparisons, this is better than that, linux vs windows, we also like, who uses linux stays in linux, for many reasons, another thing is that you are missing programs to use in linux and there is not, I do not Angry because someone uses Windows, Mac, Android, Symbian, etc … all are SO with their programs for users, but I get angry enough if these companies benefit from user data, there are some companies that use those bad practices, I will use linux whenever I can, with open source or private programs, it is my opinion, regards …