I was trying to install some new software from the terminal and I ran a sudo apt-get update command.
I am seeing several error messages that I don't really understand and apt was not able to locate the software in the repository (the software is ProtonVPN). The picture below is what I see when I type in the sudo apt-get update command. What should I do to either repair my OS install or repair the apt repository connection?
thank you. Is there anything wrong with my Ubuntu Mate install repository? Can I repair the bad gateway error for the stable debian release? Or is that something you don't need to do?
The tor browser self-updates when I open it, so I'm not really concerned. I just don't know why I can't install the ProtonVPN application from the terminal.
You could look into your repos (/etc/apt/sources.list or in sources.list.d/ and comment out those that don't work). Or you can check in Control Panel > Software and Updates.
the software updater works and sometimes doesn't work. It connects and then doesn't connect and I'm not sure why. it tells me that my internet is off, but it isn't.
I got this error message when I tried to reload the cache, but then it worked.
There may be a .list file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
I'm trying to help you get an error free sudo apt update.
I don't care about etcher one way or another. (I use dd)
Please read about apt, sources.list, and sources.list.d/
You have an error on the webupd8team/indicator-kdeconnect If I remember, you have the webupd8team.list file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ if you don't need them, remove them.
I just removed the tor browser software. I will figure out how to re-install it later. Plus I have brave, which already has a tor option, so I don't really need it.
got it looking good now. I would like to install QGIS again at some point, but it said something in the warning/error that my architecture is not supported