Idea for a permissions or owner changing tool

On occasion I run into a problem where I have to change the ownership if files, drives or cards I get from people. While I’m fine with using the command line, I find using the properties tab in just about any file manager rarely if ever works to change permissions, even when opening the directory as root in the file manager.

Why not a nice little graphical tool that changes the ownership? I imagine I’m not the only person that runs into this problem and I can definitely see how this would put off a new user if they can’t edit files from another PC, sometimes old files from Windows, etc. they just click on it, enter their password, check some simple options and that’s it. If they need to go further than say "I can work on it or “anyone can work on it” or “I own this drive” then maybe introduce more advanced options with a button or refer them to the command line. I really don’t know why this isn’t a thing or, if it is, and I can’t find it, why it’s not used.

Maybe there can be a, “are you really, really super sure? You can really screw things up.” pop up if they’re changing permission or ownership in files outside of /home or in hidden directories. I can see the danger in this kind of tool.

Like I said, I’m basically thinking of new users here.

It should work as expected, unless you’re trying to change permissions on devices that use a Windows (or Mac) filesystem like FAT32/NTFS. In that case, permissions are simulated by Linux and you can’t change them in any way.

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I see, I didn’t know it was an issue with the filesystem type. Thanks for the insight.