Ideas of improvements

Hi @Wimpy,
Thank you for your time.

Congrats for your work!


Thanks for sharing that! I almost suggested Slingshot in a discussion about launchers last autumn, but just before that time Elementary merged Slingshot into their panel and removed the standalone launcher, so it could not be used with another desktop.

I just installed the linked package in a 16.10 vm and added a custom launcher to my panel. It does exactly what I want: app list without categories, and app search, calculator, and system actions (like shut down). (I would prefer a scrolling list of applications instead of the trendy page view, but it’s not a major problem.)

I’ve tinkered with Slingscold in the past, even modified it slightly a built it in a PPA. It’s not not quite good enough. Initial testing of Panther is promising, we’ll see what can be done to integrate it in a future release :slight_smile:



Hi Martin, you are simply great!
…and all the Ubuntu Mate Team too!
I’m happy you have not discarded this possibility.

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In my opinion, Panther Launcher doesn’t integrate well with Ubuntu Mate, but it’s just a better starting point than Slingshot. hope for the future. bye


Hi Martin,
and what about the future possibility to use part of Slingscold to view merged functionality in a single app? with adding a full screen mode? It could work? It would be amazing!

Best regards!


sorry for the old posts. and sorry for my bad english. there was a misunderstanding. I apologize

Gnote works great in UM, but is there a way to better integrate it to MATE desktop?


I think that it would be really useful to add support for online accounts, like Ubuntu does with Online Accounts.

Best regards!! :grin:

In addition to the online accounts, I think it would be a good complement to add a notification center like Gnome or Mac OSX , a place where the user can quickly access to his information, calendar, agenda, notifications and other useful data.

Best regards!! :grinning::grinning:

In my opinion, the support of online accounts, notification and action center does not fit onto the purpose of Ubuntu Mate. It is more like what Gnome or elementary are trying to do, or ever Mac OS X or Windows 10. I feel like Ubuntu Mate is trying to keep it simple.

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Yes and no. You are right that Ubuntu Mate should keep its simplicity and lightness, and work perfectly in underpowered or old computers.

But on the other hand, if we consider the fact that many people use online services of big companies like Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter, etc, without online accounts integration the user is forced to use the web versions. That means you have to use web browsers, which are big consumers of resources, both CPU and RAM. And there we enter into conflict with the lightness and little use of resources needed by older or less powerful computers. Using Chrome or Firefox to check the calendar, contacts, etc, it’s an unnecessary waste of CPU and RAM.

I think it’s possible to have both, lightness and functionality, the user is who benefits, and sincerely, the user is who ultimately matters. A distro without users is doomed to failure.

In this sense, intending to save RAM usage would also be a good idea to change Thunderbird by Geary, an email client modern and more efficient. In my case, Thunderbird plus five accounts and calendars synchronized uses in my laptop between 250 and 300mb of RAM.

It’s just my opinion, based on my daily (work & personal) use of Ubuntu Mate.

Best regards!! :grinning::grinning:

PD: I apologize for my English, is not my language.


What would these online accounts accomplish? You mean like Ubuntu One?

For example:

In my case, it would be really useful the Google integration.


I think Thunderbird should be replaced with Geary. I love Geary.

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Thunderbird is very well supported in comparison to Geary that only recently was survived.

I strongly disagree with your opinion that a notification center should not be included. To keep things “simple” the user should be able to turn off notifications (to eliminate distraction) and look at the notifications later at their leisure.

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I think one of the new features of Mate 1.14 is the better control of notifications.

I don’t think so, look at the bugtracker:

Furthermore, days ago I’ve submitted a bug and they have found the issue and fixed, only waiting for the release:

The urgency to release a fix depends of the importance of the bug, this happens in all projects.


Windows 10 has this. Before Win10, people were using Growl, which was ported to Windows, which was originally also a third-party Mac software until Apple made their own version and told the Growl devs to sod off.

I want improvement of notifications. It’s really cool that I’m seeing buttons and stuff for libnotify, but it also would be cooler to have all the notifications centralized so users can see at-a-glance what they missed.

Therein lies simplicity, at the compromise of lightweightedness, but I don’ t think a basic notif scraper which puts all recent notifs in one place would take that much to run.