Installing applications using GDebi doesn't appear in the Application menu in Traditional Layout

Not sure if this is a bug or not, but everytime i install any application through GDebi (i.e Google Chrome and Lazarus IDE), it doesn't appear inmediately in the Applications Menu in their respective categories, notice this only happens in Traditional Layouts, other layout presets shows the icons perfectly without restarting or logout the system by changing them in MATE Tweak tool. i had this issue too in the previous LTS version of Ubuntu Mate.

Testing those packages again in different distros, like Linux Mint Xfce 19.3 and Kubuntu 20.04 their icons appear inmediately after GDebi (in Kubuntu case, QApt) finishes to install the packages.

Using MATE's own Menu Editor and Alacarte will show it as installed and checked-in for display as intended. My only workaround is using

nohup mate-panel --replace &

to force to reappear, it's a bit of annoying that happens in my favorite desktop layout.

I think it is a bug. I saw same thing, on Traditional, using a PPA install (Pale Moon) from terminal. So went I into Edit menus and added it myself, and then afterwards I saw that I had 2 entries to the menu - the 1 that I added and the system added one.

Looks to me as if it is no longer refreshing the menu until something else other than a system (ie. automated) install forces a refresh.

Notice, i've installed the latest version of Linux Mint 19.3 Tricia MATE Desktop edition, used the same deb packages and the issue is also present where MATE doesn't update the desktop menus accordingly, regardless of layout, probably this in a bug in general to the Desktop environment and not bound to an single distro.

Take a look at the bug list (I haven't myself!). :grinning: