Installing manually a panel applet


How can I manually install an applet? I have the folder with files and subfolders, some files are javascript, some end .json and theres css stylesheet. How do I install such an applet so that I can add it to panel?

If you want just access to a file in the panel, you can drag it there.

Well, it seems that this applet is not for mate, I did not know it before, or I just didnt understand everything.

What I asked, was how to install an applet that is not in the list of installed applets, nor its in packet manager nor has an installer. Just a folder with its files.

This applet would be an additional menu applet.

I like this mate main menu the most how it looks like inside, but I have understood that the scaling of its button icon is hard coded and cant be changed, and thats a disadvantage, as I want a smaller button, not one that stretches to be always the same size.

I tried by editing the picture size, but all it did, made the pic look blurry as a menu icon, because it was automatically stretched.


Drag it to the panel.

Hmm, probably I was not clear enough… well, I try again: :slight_smile:

I downloaded an applet as folder with files.

The applet is a customizable menu for a panel.

If I drag the folder to panel, that does not give me a new menu, but it gives me a folder link.

If I try to add a custom launcher, I can put a link to an app or program, not to an applet.

But, probably this applet does not even work with mate. I read it works with gnome shell and cinnamon (no more cinnamon support).

For future, I would like to know, how can I manually install a panel applet, for example a menu, if it does not come as .deb or something like that, but for example as many files in a folder, for example .css style file etc.?

Or, in Mate, it always comes in some other form?

How can I make my own applet, for example a fork of some other applet?

With which language Mate panel applets are coded? C++?

I would wish to have a menu like Mate Main Menu, just with more possibilities to configure it (icon size etc., icon picture that you can select through menu settings gui…)

If it would be easily editable, like it would have .css or .js file which I could edit, I would do it myself. Unfortunately Im just a beginner in c++ and java.

Hi @johnnyrevival,

if you right click the applet (file or folder or app) and on "Properties", you can find out the command and add that to the panel, you just need to click on the icon of the app to change the command!:

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