I've Lost an Applet

After moving panels around on my desktop, I seem to have lost the applet from the panel, that shows what apps that are open.

I've tried adding applets from the "Add to Panel" list but none of them seem to perform this exact function. I had this happen once before while setting up after an install but that time I just did a fresh install to get it back.

There must be an easier way.

Any suggestions please?

Hi @Brianrh, I hope "Window List" helps. It's the one on the defaults.

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As @Bill_MI suggests, definitely sounds like "Window List":

Any worst case scenario with broken panels could be to reset them to factory default in :desktop: MATE Tweak.


This was the one I needed and for some reason I had tried all the other applets and missed this one. Put it down to a senior moment.

I didn't need to use Mate Tweaks but it's worth knowing panels can be reset which I hadn't realised either.

Thanks for your help guys.